Felicity FFA’s second annual “U R More” girls night, one of the events included in the Student Development Division.
By Charlena Spaulding
FFA Reporter

In August, the Felicity-Franklin FFA Chapter was named a Model of Excellence chapter by the National FFA Organization. This distinguishes the top 10 FFA chapters out of 7,520 chapters across the nation. They also received a three out of 3-star rating and will compete against the other nine chapters named at the 88th National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky this fall.

To qualify for this award, the chapter must complete at least 15 activities, one for each of the five quality standards in each of the three divisions. A few of the Felicity-Franklin FFA’s events included the “U R More” girls night, Ag Olympics, Fall Feast and Down on the Farm Day. The National Chapter Award program recognizes chapters successfully completing an annual Program of Activities that includes series of events encouraging members to grow individually, to serve others, and to work well as part of a team.

This is Felicity-Franklin FFA’s second year receiving this honor.