Of course, you know I am 77. And here it is, I play Bingo! Yes, Bingo! I love Bingo at Post 72. Not because I win a lot of money; because I don’t. I have made new friends and I love the people that work the Bingo. Most are veterans; some are volunteers. All are friendly and funny. Very funny, Mel! Do you think of The American Legion as a place where old guys go to swap war yarns and jokes? Where guys go to drink beer? I am gonna tell you a little about Post 72 and that is not the case. American Post 72 was established in 1962 as The Withiamsville-Mt Carmel Legion Post. There were meetings in basements, garages; anywhere they could. The land was purchased from The Mt Carmel Social club in 1965. The land was theirsSo since 1912. So, here you go. What do they do? Have a Bingo every Tuesday night? Well, the money they make on Bingo is spent wisely on the many things they do to help Veterans and Veteran families. They also donate money to many organizations in the Mt. Carmel area. Churches, food banks, and schools. etc. I was given a list and I was amazed at how many people they were helping. Child Focus, the homeless shelter, Ronald Mcdonald House, and Clermont Special Olympics to name just a few. Oh, yeah, they are a big supporter of St. Veronia Scouts. BTW, the scouts will have a flag burning at the post on Veterans Day. Bring your flags to be disposed of correctly. There will be bugles and kids. Yes! Also, on the next two Tuesdays the Scouts will sponsor a food drive. Bring any non-perishable, not outdated food to the post. Post 72 has many fundraisers. There will be a White Christmas event at the post on Dec 9th with the Soul Shakers-Frank Sinatra and Elvis! There will be food and lots of fun. Come and have fun with Post 72. Begins at 5p. Veterans Day is soon upon us. I will be talking to Veterans next week. You need to tune in! Be Good to Yourselves and pray I win at BINGO!