Disabled American Veterans Chapter #63 (Clermont County) Treasurer Doug Fike (right) presents a check for $200 to Southern Ohio Veterans Home Food Service Director John Ansell to continue to support and recognize all the health care workers at the facility. This is the second time, since the COVID-19 virus restricted visitation, that the DAV Chapter #63 provided funds to sponsor a pizza party for all three shifts at the Veterans Home in Georgetown. Over 200 dedicated health care staff, who provide support to the 150 veterans at the Home, will participate in the event. “Our DAV Chapter sponsored a similar pizza party in May in recognition of National Skilled Nursing Care Week,” Chapter #63 Commander Gary Lytle explained, “And this is just another way to demonstrate our sincere appreciation for the continued efforts that the staff do every day to take care of our veterans.” Photo provided.

Submitted by Disabled American Veterans Chapter #63.

For the second time since the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the Disabled American Veterans Chapter #63 (Clermont County) is sponsoring a pizza party for the entire staff at the Southern Ohio Veterans Home in Georgetown.

Previously in May of 2020, the DAV Chapter #63 sponsored a pizza party in support and sincere recognition of National Skilled Nursing Care Week.

“At the Chapter’s Executive Committee meeting during the last week in June, we realized that the entire staff was working to keep our veterans safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic,” DAV Chapter Commander Gary Lytle explained. “Our first recognition for them was in May and we felt that they should be commended for their continued efforts so we voted to provide a check for $200.”

Food Service Director John Ansell, at the Southern Ohio Veterans Home, initially discussed the idea of a pizza party to be held during the National Skilled Nursing Care Week with DAV Chapter #63. “Our members were excited to sponsor this event for the Home staff,” Cheryl Childers, the Junior Vice Commander of the DAV Chapter said. “This time, we contacted Director Ansell and told him we would like to sponsor a second similar event for the Home staff.”

Ansell sought permission for this event from Home Superintendent Linda Slone, and with her approval the event will now be held in early July.

The previous event had 200 staff participating and all three shifts were served. “We anticipate that all of them will participate again and accept the DAV Chapter’s deep appreciation for their continued efforts,” Chapter’s Senior Vice Commander Steve Smith said.

In total, 28 members of DAV Chapter #63 reside at the Southern Ohio Veterans Home.

“They have communicated with us of the excellent care and support that they have received during the pandemic,” Chapter Adjutant John Plahovinsak said. “One resident indicated that he will certainly inform the residents at the Home of what DAV Chapter #63 is doing for the Home staff.”

The DAV Chapter’s activity at the Ohio Veterans Home has been curtailed because of visitor restrictions caused by the COVID-19 virus. “Our Chapter misses interacting with veterans residing at the Home during our monthly bingo games, where we provide prizes for the winners,” Commander Lytle noted.

Another successful Chapter activity at the Veterans Home was the starting of the DAV Chapter Ambassadors.

Two members, William Harness and Paul Bunthoff, were trained by the staff to interact with the residents on a periodic basis, and more importantly to listen to fellow veterans.

“This is the best volunteer job that I could have,” Chapter Member Harness, himself a Navy Korean War Veteran explained. “I enjoy talking with all the veterans at the Home and spreading a lot of cheer, but it is more important that I listen to our veterans as they talk about their military careers.”

“In addition to the COVID-19 virus curtailing the Chapter’s activity at the Veterans Home, it has always restricted their community activities,” Lytle reflected. “This year we had five events cancelled that we were scheduled to participate in, and this does not include our monthly Chapter meetings.”

However, the Chapter will be actively participating in the DAV National’s Vision for Veterans Initiative and working with our elected officials.

“Although the DAV has been instrumental in obtaining the passage of significant legislation in the current 116th Congressional Session, there is much more that could be done for our veterans,” Adjutant Plahovinsak explained.

For example, over 600,000 veterans have not had their medical bills paid by the Veterans Benefits Administration, even though two court cases have directed the VBA to pay those medical bills. “We will be working with Senator Sherrod Brown, who has co-sponsored legislation on July 1, 2020, to have the VBA pay these veterans’ medical bills,” Plahovinsak, who also serves as the Chapter’s Benefits Protection Team Leader, noted.

The $200 donation that we made to the Ohio Veterans Home for the pizza party recognizes and supports the staff in their efforts to provide quality care for our veterans,” Commander Lytle. concluded “John Ansell should be commended for thinking of this morale booster and allowing our Chapter to make it a reality. We certainly are happy to participate!”