Every spring, the beautiful weather always brings out the grass and plants. Unfortunately, spring also brings door-to-door nuisances armed with clipboards and booklets. I would put up a “No Soliciting” sign, but I know they ignore signs.

Before my wife and I bought our home in 2005, we lived in several townhouses. Unfortunately, door-to-door salesman constantly harassed us. Here are samples of what they tried to sell to us:








Vacuum cleaners

Carpet cleaning services

After becoming homeowners, my wife and I thought door-to-door salesman would leave us alone. We were wrong. They still show up at my front door trying to sell me products I don’t want or need. One of the more irritating ones is the guy who tried to switch my current electricity provider.

I told him I wasn’t interested. He kept insisting that I show him my latest bill. I am glad I refused because I had read an article that these shady people can change your utility bill without your consent. The article I read also stated that you never show anyone your utility bills.

And God bless the local churches, but I can find a church if necessary. In Batavia, you cannot walk more than 100 feet without stumbling into a church. I have had several Baptist church members knock on my door with their pamphlets. Recently, I had someone from Jehovah’s Witness knock on my door. I told her I wasn’t interested. Call me old fashioned but I never buy anything from a door-to-door salesman; this also includes religion.

If I want to buy a steak, I will go to Kroger. If my soul needs saving, I will look on the Internet or ask a friend. And if I want to buy a vacuum cleaner, I will check Target or Walmart. If I need something, I can easily find a supplier.

I know door-to-door salesman are trying to make a living, but why would I buy something from someone who just interrupted my dinner? Another problem is the stranger at your door could be a criminal. For safety reasons, I never let these strangers in my home. I just firmly tell them I am not interested and shut the door.

Marc is a grandfather and longtime Clermont County resident. Visit his author page at a href=”http://www.lifewithgrandpa.com” target=”_blank”>www.lifewithgrandpa.com and blog at a href=”http://www.wisegrandpa.com” target=”_blank”>www.wisegrandpa.com.