“Organize Tomorrow Today” by Dr. Jason Selk & Tom Bartow with Matthew Rudy c.2015, Da Capo Lifelong; $21.99 / $27.50 Canada; 211 pages
By Terri Schlichenmeyer

You tried to make a big sale last week.

A sale would’ve made you money and it would’ve made your numbers go up, which would definitely have made you happy. Alas, you just couldn’t make it happen, but if you read “Organize Tomorrow Today” by Dr. Jason Selk & Tom Bartow with Matthew Rudy, you’ll see how you might’ve made it so.

Just like everybody else in the world, you have a finite amount of time: 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Part of that time is spent at work but, for many reasons, making the utmost of each precious minute can sometimes seem impossible.

Selk, Bartow, and Rudy say that learning to use “the power of the mind” is the way to boost productivity: the best tool, as it turns out, is behind your eyes. The second-best is the method for which they named this book.

No doubt, you create a to-do list each day, but the authors say you should do tomorrow’s list this afternoon, long before quittin’ time. Then prioritize by choosing the three most important (not urgent) tasks and setting tomorrow’s time-frame for finishing them. Write everything in long-hand, by the way; it will imprint better in your brain.

Terri Schlichenmeyer
Choose those tasks – and everything in your day – wisely.

Many people “try to focus on too much and lose focus” on the big things, but heeding the most important items on your list (one at a time) can set the stage for success.

Maximize your time by finding minutes throughout your day to finish up minor things that need doing.

You’d be surprised at how many three- or five-minute blocks of time you have, and what you can get done.

Understand how to conquer “fight-thrus.” Know how to evaluate and track your own performance and success.

Learn what to say – and not to say – to yourself and to others. Embrace “abnormal” and, above all, learn to stop worrying about what you can’t control. There are simple things you can control. Use them.

Did I read this book before? I asked myself that once or twice but no, I didn’t. “Organize Tomorrow Today” just felt like it.

Indeed, there’s a lot of familiar territory in this book but then I took a second hard look: authors Selk, Bartow, and Rudy dig a little deeper in each chapter than other, similar books and I ultimately liked that – but I must admit that I’m awfully tired of business books that draw analogies to sports. That doesn’t make this book bad – just, sometimes, it’s not very interesting.

Maybe, inside the good and the bad here, the best advice is the simplest: don’t tackle too much, too early. The authors advocate taking one chapter of their book, adapting it and adopting it before moving to another chapter-point, which makes it all much easier to accept and, perhaps, enjoy. Ignore that caveat, and this book will seem like every other one of its ilk. Accept it, and “Organize Tomorrow Today” might ultimately make you a success.