Dear Editor:

This letter is long overdue. I live in Brown County and went to Cincinnati to get my great grandmother. I wanted to take her and show her the frozen Ohio River in New Richmond. It was on a Thursday the 19th of February and was very cold that evening.

You can get a real good look at it by parking on Main Street. I wanted to window shop and left my great grandmother in the car because she is too old to be outside when it is that cold (maybe 10/15 degrees). I was gone 15/20 minutes.

When I got back to my car my great grandmother was not there. Her coat was there and I started to cry and panic. I got on my cell but no service. I could not see her on Main Street. I looked for a police car but could not find one. I got in my car and went down Main St. near route 52 and could not find her. I was very scared. She is 88 and does not speak much English.

When I went to the other end of Main St. which is right down by the river, I saw a green car. I was going to get help from anybody in that car.

When I got to the green car the engine was running and I could not believe it. My great grandmother was in it wearing a big huge white coat. She saw me and got out and went to my car. I was mad and happy and drove away.

When she got to my grandmother’s house my great grandmother told her all about it.

I do not speak Italian and my grandmother told me she told her this man found her walking and took her to his car and gave her his coat. He speaks Italian and she had such a good time with him and he was so nice to her. I am writing this letter to thank him. I feel so bad I did not in New Richmond. I believe he saved her life. Please publish this so he knows how grateful her whole family is to him.

Thank you, sir.

The Family of
Angelina Di Capelito