By Kristin Bednarski
Sun staff

The Clermont County Republican Party voted to recommended three people to be Clermont County Juvenile Court Judge after Judge Stephanie Wyler announced her retirement at the end of 2012.

The individuals include Clermont County Municipal Court Judge James Shriver, Clermont County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Mary Lynne Birck and private attorney David Hunter.

Clermont County Republican Party Chairman Tim Rudd said he sent the recommendations to Ohio Governor John Kasich who will appoint Wyler’s replacement.

“It’s a recommendation for appointment,” Rudd said about the process. “The governor’s office provided oral and written instructions, they wanted the party to give the governor three names for consideration.”

Rudd said several individuals contacted him about their interest in the position, and the central committee narrowed the list down to three individuals during their Jan. 16 meeting.

“They submitted interest to me, they mailed out a letter to central committee members, the central committee met and we got down to those three names,” Rudd said.

He said candidates each gave a three minute presentation during the Jan. 16 meeting before committee members votes.

Rudd said having the party recommend individuals for the judgeship was not required by the governor’s office.

“It’s a courtesy to the local party,” Rudd said. “And an acknowledgment that the local party knows who the local attorneys are and who would make a good judge.”

Rudd said each individual who was selected had to fill out an extensive questionnaire sent by the governor’s office, submit their resume and letters of reference.

“Each candidate that I sent gave me a packet that was approximately an inch thick,” Rudd said.

Rudd said Governor Kasich appears to be doing his due diligence deciding who to appoint for juvenile court judge.

He said because Governor Kasich has to appoint more than 20 judges in the state this year, it may take some time before someone is selected for Clermont County Juvenile Court Judge.

“I wouldn’t look for anything under a month, and it may be a couple months,” Rudd said.