A little community involvement went a long way in diffusing a bit of excitement in Bethel last week. Police Chief John Wallace told the village council that the help of several citizens helped corner and capture three car thieves that were spotted at a local store.

“Earlier in the week, we had a stolen car seen at the Family Dollar,” said Chief Wallace. “She called dispatch, and by the time the officer could get there, the three people in the car had run away. We started looking for them. We just started walking and asking people of they saw two guys and a girl moving quick, and we kept getting pointed in the right direction. We eventually found them hiding in an apartment at the Horseshoe Apartments.”

Wallace said that the three were taken into custody and handed over to the sheriff’s department, along with the stolen vehicle, which was itself played a big role in the capture. According to Chief Wallace, the alleged thieves failed to properly mask that the car had been stolen.